Monday, June 4, 2007

Out of touch

Well, I haven't posted in a while, so here is an update:

My body hurts. My legs are wrecked from tumbling. My arms and chest are sore from lifting weights. My neck is sore from endless exercises involving kip-ups. My abs are sore from the two hundred sit-ups we did this morning. All that aside, my Shifu said that my newest form was almost good. If I can get it all the way to good by tomorrow, next week he will teach me Shaolin Staff. Special bonus: First staff gotten from the academy, free. If i can learn the staff quickly, maybe I can move on to Eagle Claw and Sword. I am going to try to make up a drunken form and maybe me and Kevin (USA) and Bret (ENG) will make up a three person drunken fight. In Sanda, the Chinese kickboxing group, we have started to prepare for the upcoming match with Korea. Unfortunately I will not be there for it, I will already be back in the states with my fiancee and family. Every month we all get together and perform our forms and have sparring matches in the big training hall. When I post this, hopefully, there will be some pictures that I have taken with my new digital camera on the site so you can all get an idea of the place I am staying.

I wrote that last bit a while ago, so here is what has happened since then:

My legs were so torn up from wearing 4.4 lb. weights for three full days of training that I had to take to days off. I learned the Shaolin staff form in four days and will perform it and the "small flood fist form" at the next test in ten days. I was able to rest during my to days and log all the video I have taken so far; seven hours, and write a little bit. Because of the rest I had the energy to make these new posts. All my best to all of you.

I am back today and doing just fine, all healed and I actually set a new pace for myself running today. Check me out.


Some Guy said...

Hey... didn't I see you on Chris... I love the intro header to your blog. I'd never read it before. Where are you?

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